Workflow Automation

Your organization is powered by workflows.
myOneFlow brings them to life 


Data Transformation

Workflows are the processes and procedures that keep your organization running smoothly. myOneFlow’s AI-powered engine brings your workflows to life. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all – we configure a platform that is mapped to your organization’s specific processes. myOneFlow’s workflows ensure that staff and clients always know the next step to take while automatically tracking and compiling all relevant information in a centralized, secure location. 

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myPlan: Actionable Workflows

Make it simple! Available right on their dashboard, myPlan is a personalized, responsive journey that guides clients through each step while connecting them with needed resources along the way.

Case Management

Fully Configurable

Workflows can be configured for every aspect of service provision, including forms, documents, events, communications, referrals & more. 


Adaptable Management

Each office in your organization can retain unique workflows while automatically sharing required data & reports with the parent office.


Automated Compliance

Data is collected throughout the client’s journey and mapped to required Federal and State forms & reports.


Simplified Registration

A single, configurable form guides clients through intake and automatically determines program eligibility. 


Measure & Improve

Integrated pipeline reports allow staff to evaluate progress through various workflows & analyze the gaps between milestones.

CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORY: Houston Community College

HCC used myOneFlow to replace their outdated paper-based systems, increasing staff efficiency and accelerating the enrollment process for their AEL programs by over 70%.

Read the Case Study

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