1 min read

Collaborative Partnership to Drive Program Improvement

Collaborative Partnership to Drive Program Improvement
The WIOA presents opportunities and challenges. As state and local programs become familiar with the implementation requirements, next steps often include continuous improvement. The Oregon Adult Basic Skills (ABS) Team has developed a collaborative and coordinated approach to this endeavor. From risk assessment and program improvement plans to professional development and data-informed decision making, learn how the Oregon State ABS Team has partnered to move the needle for measurable skill gain.
Participants will also receive valuable resources.
Presented by: Donna Lewelling, Adrienne Ochs, Nick Bender, Kelly Zinck, and Helen Dunford

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Oregon ABS State Team Approach, and how does it improve adult education programs?
    The Oregon ABS State Team Approach is a collaborative model that brings stakeholders from various organizations to enhance adult education programs. By fostering partnerships and sharing resources, this approach improves program quality, aligns with workforce needs, and better serves adult learners.
  • How do collaborative partnerships benefit adult education and workforce programs?
    Collaborative partnerships allow programs to pool resources, share best practices, and effectively address challenges. This teamwork leads to more comprehensive support for adult learners, increased access to services, and improved outcomes for education and workforce programs.
  • What strategies are used in the Oregon ABS model to ensure successful collaboration?
    The Oregon ABS model emphasizes clear communication, regular meetings, and goal alignment among partners. By setting shared objectives and maintaining open channels for feedback, the model ensures that all partners work together efficiently to enhance program effectiveness.

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